What does it mean to serve the altar?

Being a server means serving God and his people at Mass. That is what makes serving Mass worth doing, and worth doing well.That is what makes good servers want to do their best.

The Ministry of Altar Servers is a special group in our parish involving the young members of the community to participate and serve Jesus through the Sacred Liturgy of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the worship of His words and works.  The aim of this ministry is to assist the priest and the parish in the liturgical and religious celebrations.

Objectives of the Altar Server Ministry

To Develop young men and women in ministry to Jesus and His Church.

To strengthen their relationship with Jesus

To create a strong fellowship using service as a foundation.

To engage in social, cultural and religious activities

To help in the evangelization efforts initiated by the parish

Why Join the Altar Server Ministry

† Develop a deeper awareness of Catholic worship

Build Self-Esteem

Serve the Community

Grow in your own Christian Faith

Interact with our priests in a positive environment

At ICC we have a great number of boys and girls that serve the altar and other religious ceremonies. If you are interested, please contact for registration and training:

Leader: Diane Mascarenhas  [email protected]

Assistant/Training:  Donald Caputo  [email protected]

Moderator: Fr. Francis