OCIA / RCIA, the Order (Formerly Rite) of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a spiritual journey for adults seeking to be Baptized and fully initiated into the Catholic Church or for those Catholics seeking to complete their Sacraments of Initiation of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.

It’s not a quick journey, but one of stages of discovering Christ and choosing to follow Him. Each step in this journey has a special ceremony to help people reflect and grow closer to Christ.

Before Easter Sunday, those who were previously baptized make a profession of faith and receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. During the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter Sunday), those who have never been baptized are baptized and receive Confirmation and Eucharist. They are now full members of the Catholic Church.


For adults desiring to prepare for baptism in the Catholic Church, RCIA begins with classes and meetings in the Fall and culminates, after a period of much prayer, instruction and discernment, in the receiving of the Sacrament of Baptism at the Easter Vigil.

Baptized Catholic needing full Initiation

RCIA for Baptized Catholics, who have not completed their full initiation into the Church Christians, involves classes on the Catholic faith and preparation to receive the sacraments of Holy Communion, and Confirmation.

Baptized non-Catholic

RCIA is also for non-Catholic Christians who would like to become Catholic. This involves classes on the Catholic faith and preparation to receive the sacraments of confession, Holy Communion, and confirmation.

Do You Believe? Maybe it’s time to Belong?

To seek and inquire, please contact:

Donald Caputo, Director at 347-865-4435 or email at: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rcia.iccsecaucus