
News from The Knights of Columbus to The Families and Men of Immaculate Conception Church

Happy Lent to all!  It has been a tough twelve months with this pandemic but hopefully we will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccines coming out an a slowing of the spread. The local council has been active thru out this ordeal and is still following the Supreme Council program of “Leaving No Neighbor Behind”- assisting the parish, bringing food to home-bound,the food pantries and shelters in the area, running blood drives-the next March 16th from 1 to 7 PM- and we have brought in some new men but are looking for more men to join us to be the new voices of the council, to give a hand when you can or use your feet to help us at an event .  If you have a couple of minutes listen to The Connecticut Knights of Columbus State Chaplain Father Jeffrey Romans as he explains the importance of the order for the men and their families. God Bless and Stay Well

If you like more information on the local council reach out to Neal at [email protected] or contact him at 201-575-9984. You can also join on line -see below- and indicate council 12769 and put in McGivney2020 for free membership in 2021.

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